Tack för allt Jeremy Colliton!

Publicerad: 2017-04-10

Det blir ingen fortsättning i Mora IK för Jeremy Colliton. I ett personligt brev berättar han om sitt beslut.

It is bittersweet to announce that I'm not returning next season to Mora IK. It's a very difficult decision but one that I hope you will understand. I have not signed any contract but I feel it's time to be closer to home. I can't put into words what I feel right now but I will try.

I have many people to thank and despite my best efforts I know I'll miss someone, for that I am sorry, but I have tried to thank them in person. My family and I have been treated so well here and that can't be overstated. Our boys have learned the language and think of Mora as their home. It's been a pleasure to live in this town and an honour to help represent it.

The staff around the club, the coaches and trainers are a huge part of the success here. In Mora IK everyone takes on more than they should have to, but that's how we make it work. We've had a great "team around the team" and they deserve to be recognized. They have made my job easier and coming to work more enjoyable.

This group of players we have had is special, I felt it early on, and I think you did too. Some I've had for 4 years, and some for 4 months, but every day they came to work and compete and do everything possible so the team could have success. Guys I am so proud of all that you stand for, the way you have represented yourselves and the club will never be forgotten by the people in Mora, nor by me. You did something historic and we'll always be connected. I'm honoured to have stood behind you and watched it happen. Boys have become men.

Thank you to the sponsors and supporters, I've said before that in our small market we need everyone on board. Thank you for believing in what we were building, and for supporting the team even if it wasn't always easy. I think all of us were blown away by the atmosphere during the playoffs, and the feeling in the 3rd period of game 6 is something no one will forget.

To finish I must single out Peter Hermodsson. He thought he was bringing a centre to Mora but he ended with a coach. It took a lot of courage to give me the chance just over 3 years ago and I don't think many would have taken that risk. Thank you for believing in me and trusting our process would end in success. The thing about Peter is he cares so much not only about the club but about each individual. He gets to know your kids and treats them like his own, he'll pick you up at the train station or give you the shirt off his back. Once you become part of the Mora IK family he checks in with you long after you've left the club and truly roots for your success. Don't underestimate how much that mentality has infected the club with a sense of togetherness, family, trust, and also responsibility to do your best every day. That's why we win.

I will continue to be part of the Mora IK family and do everything I can to help the club, thank you so much for everything. Tillsammans är vi starkare!

En längre intervju med Peter Hermodsson i Studio MIK kommer kl. 15:30 här på moraik.se där vi bland annat tar upp detta.

Kenny Åström